shining stars
shining stars

Shining Stars is our Exceptional Athlete, Special Needs Dance Team for male and female dancers with developmental disabilities (any age) that will perform/compete at dance competitions.
This team is designed to develop body awareness and motor skills, explore rhythmic activities and creative movement, increase self esteem, and encourage self-expression in a positive, safe, and nurturing team environment.
Dance Dynamics offers two dance options for our Exceptional Athletes:
Stars Recreational Class
Low cost, Low commitment for dancers
$60/month + $50 Registration Fee
This recreational class will meet once a week for a 45-minute class. Dancers will have a 30-minute technique class to work on stretching, ballet, turns & leaps, across the floor, jumps, etc…followed by 15-minutes of exploration of different upbeat dance styles. Practice shirt is included with your registration fee. This class will have one performance in April at the Dance Dynamics Recital. Dancers will wear their practice attire for the performance.
Shining Stars Performance Team
$100/month + $50 Registration Fee
Shining Stars will have a 90 minute class- split between technique class to work on stretching, ballet, turns & leaps, across the floor, jumps, etc… followed by team practice. Practice shirt is included with your registration fee. Costumes for performances and travel costs are not included in the monthly fee and will be determined at a later time